Thursday, September 3, 2020

Hamsters and Guinea Pigs Comparison

Katrina 10/23/12 English 1 distinctions Mr. Martin. Hamster and guinea pigs ESSAY: Hamsters and guinea pigs are two totally various creatures. The most clear distinction is that hamsters are extremely little; they can fit in the palm of your hand. Guinea pigs are a lot bigger, by and large weighs around 3 pounds or so when completely developed. Hamsters are local to Europe and Asia while the guinea pig is local to South America. That is one distinction which shows they are not related. Despite the fact that the two eat roughly similar nourishments, the guinea pig is a lot bigger and is ordinarily utilized as a food creature in the Andes Mountains.The hamster is carefully a pet or research facility creature. In spite of the fact that they are the two rodents and are mainstream as pets, hamster and guinea pigs have numerous distinctions, for example, there body and their conduct. ‘Guinea pig' is the basic name for individuals from the species Cavia porcellus. They are local to So uth America in the wild, weigh about 700-1200 grams, and typically live for around five years. Guinea pigs are tailless, herbivorous, and live in social settlements in nature. They are dynamic during the day. The guinea pig is probably going to get into space when space natural surroundings are at last developed.They breed effectively, have a few litters for each year, and develop rapidly. A guinea pig gets around multiple times the size of a hamster, and eats increasingly like a bunny. They are both acceptable pets however. They do look a great deal the same, yet are totally irrelevant. Guinea pigs are an entire various animal types. Conceivably not even rodents, researchers are discussing that. Guinea pigs are the bigger of the two, they don't have a tail yet they have a knock where there tail ought to have been. Guinea pigs are typically the hardest to prepare however once prepared they will be connected to you. Guinea pigs like to be kept in pair's or groups.A ideal case of a so cial creature that appreciates each other’s organization and like living outside. A guinea pig is greater, and has a life expectancy of around 5 to 10 years. Hamsters can really be one of a few animal groups from the class Phodopus (predominate hamsters), Cricetulus (incorporates diminutive person and ordinary estimated species) or Mesocricetus. The most widely recognized pet hamster is Mesocricetus auratus, the Syrian hamster. Size of pet hamsters is for the most part around 5-15cm. The hamsters have minimal short bald tails and like to carry on with a single way of life, just meeting up to mate.They are omnivores, for the most part eating just seeds and organic products, however may likewise eat things like creepy crawlies in nature. Hamsters can live for around 1. 5 to 2 years and are nighttime, being most dynamic when it is dim. Hamsters are commonly nighttime which implies that they will rest in the night, yet you can prepare them not very. Hamsters aren't as perfect as test subjects yet they can be educated to utilize a litter box. Hamsters must be kept alone in light of the way that they are regional. Hamsters are generally single except for smaller people who can live cheerfully in gatherings, they have a life expectancy from 1. a long time to 3 years, however some can live more. There are likewise various types of hamster, running from small Robo, Chinese and Russian diminutive person hamster to greater Syrian ones. These have little tails. Rodents are around 3/4 or significantly bigger than hamsters with long tails. Hamsters nibble on the off chance that they smell food on you. By possessing the two creatures : hamsters and guinea pigs it is protected to state ,guinea pigs are more earnestly to keep spotless (as long as you don't place 2 guys in a confine with a female close by), they are â€Å"sweeter† and appear to be more stable.Guinea pigs are all the more effectively played with , and when they run on the floor you can discover the m route simpler than hamsters! Other than them both being vegans and hairy they couldn't be considerably more unique. I trust in the purpose of any creature that you discover the distinction before endeavoring to keep one. Pets furnish us with far beyond friendship. In spite of the fact that there are obligations with pet possession, the advantages extraordinarily exceed the work. Pets give us benefits not in every case promptly accessible from our human friends and that is unqualified love and acceptance.Our pets are consistently there for us and they are incredible audience members! A pet never makes a decision about us and they keep on cherishing us regardless of our defects and missteps. That straightforward certainty can be a pressure reducer. One thing I have come into speculation with is regardless of how little or huge the creature is or how extraordinary their disparities are. We ought to accept accountability for them. We ought to put forth a valiant effort to sustain, car e and love them. That is our duty as people.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Small and medium enterprises Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Little and medium undertakings - Essay Example A SME should give the essential significance to coalition and vital organizations at both nearby and worldwide levels so as to expand the profitability. This will give an enormous lift to the respect cost proportion which is the most definitive factor in any SME as they are required to satisfy some business rules and rules to get by in the developing monetary universe of today (Nelson and Prescott, 2003). The fundamental purpose for these achievement measures is the way that in the consistently expanding worldwide financial scale, the SME ends up being in some fixed conditions in this manner encountering risk and constraining elements in the monetary development. Coalitions with certain accomplices won't just give them significant skylines and assets to get a worldwide introduction however it will likewise extend the business chances to expand the benefit and lifetime of the business activity. A popular idea in business contemplates known as exchange cost hypothesis ought to be follo wed so as to expand the sureness level of the achievement of the association (Yasuda, 2005). This hypothesis shows and recommends that the SME should make collusion with an accomplice that can limit the entirety of the fixed and constant expenses all through the business procedure. The popular model for this situation can be taken that of Austria economy which appreciates just about 99 percent of the SME activity which were toward the beginning organization based. (OECD, 2005). Additionally, the different achievement models are restricted objective promoting on the grounds that e expanding the objective market toward the beginning.

Friday, August 21, 2020

A Famous Metaphysical Poet Essay Example for Free

A Famous Metaphysical Poet Essay Andrew Marvell was a renowned Metaphysical Poet. Marvell lived from 1621 to 1678 and made a couple of achievements, his sonnet has special style and topic for his time, and his sonnet contains a profound investigation. He composed a few love sonnets; â€Å"To His Coy Mistress† was one of his most strange sonnets for the time in history which he lived. Conceived on March 31, 1621, in Winestead-in-Holderness, Yorkshire, England Marvell was the child of an Anglican priest. He went to Hull Grammar school, and at 12 years old started school at Cambridge University. He earned his bachelor’s certificate in 1638, however it is accepted that he remained at Cambridge until 1641 for a master’s qualification. Very little is thought about Andrew Marvell’s life; however researchers do know during the 1650s he had a section in the English Government. In 1657 He was named Assistant Latin Secretary to the Council of the state; in 1659 he focused more on political parody and quit composing verse. During Marvell’s life time England’s government made them shock changes. Government and parliament cooperated, however King James I didn't have the expertise to deal with a nation, yet the administration increased more issues when his child, Charles I succeeded him. Lord Charles I was ousted and decapitated. Britain needed to set up another administration, in the wake of doing as such; Charles II was made King of England. Marvell passed on August 16, 1678 because of a fever. â€Å"While he isn't believed to be hitched, not long after his passing, a lady professing to be his widow distributed a volume of his poetry† (Ruby 276). He was one of the central brains and humorists, a Puritan, and an open protector of individual freedom during his time. Today he is simply known for his verse. (Margoliouth, Sackville-West, Hunt, Murray, Toliver, Legouis, Wallace, Friednreich, Donno. 1) In the 1600s Marvell’s sonnet â€Å"To His Coy Mistress† was viewed as â€Å"obscene and obscure† on account of his message in the sonnet, and the control the congregation had over the individuals. Marvell is considered to have been a carpe diem essayist, and at times portrayed as a mystical writer. Carpe diem implies the composing style urges a peruser to â€Å"seize the day† on the grounds that life is short; Metaphysical writers utilize numerous one of a kind representations and were exceptionally refreshing for their inventiveness. Jeffrey Karon states â€Å"To His Coy Mistress† might be one of Marvell’s most dangerous sonnets. â€Å"Its quality is that having betrayed itself in the normal way of amusing sonnets, it at that point betrays its own inside objections† (Karon standard. 39). In the sonnet, the speaker portrays how he could revere his escort perpetually; anyway section two the tone movements to time hurrying past and the mistress’s physical magnificence being squandered away with it. The speaker needs to beat time and make the most of his mistress’s organization. There are a wide range of subjects in â€Å"To His Coy Mistress†, for example, time, love, energy, enticement, excellence, and demise. This sonnet is of forty-six lines, and three passages splitting the rhyming couplets. Marvell utilized embodiment, exaggerations, and strange representations. The speaker is addressing his fancy woman in an expository circumstance. He enthusiastically portrays his affection for her and there isn't sufficient opportunity to live to give her how excellent she is, and how incredible his adoration is for her. He needs his affection with his paramour to go further by getting cozy with one another, in spite of the fact that she needs to spare her virginity because of her strict perspectives with the congregation. He advises her if their affection is valid and they are infatuated, they should advance their relationship. The lady is supposed to be bashful in light of the fact that she is taking an excess of time, and time doesn’t stop for anybody. â€Å"’To His Coy Mistress’ is a grand case of a carpe diem sonnet, a Latin expression meaning ‘seize the day’† (Adams standard. 8). The initial two lines of the sonnet the primary topic, time, is acquainted with the peruser. It is essentially saying life passes rapidly and one ought not squander their childhood, that they ought to â€Å"seize the day. † The principal section of the sonnet the speaker depicts how life is unreasonably short for them to sit around idly. He utilizes fascinating representations, for example, â€Å"vegetable love† to depict to what extent he could cherish his special lady. Starting at line seven until line eighteen he utilizes exaggerations to depict the measure of years he could cherish her and dedicate to adore her. He depicts her physical allure and to what extent he could cherish all aspects of her body and obviously her heart. In passage two the speaker goes from talking about his adoration for his courtesan to envisioning her grave. He talks about time as the driver in a chariot rushing nearer to them; he utilizes â€Å"hurrying† to the show the trouble of the brief period they have. A couple of lines down in this passage, he depicts to his paramour her virginity will inevitably after some time amount to nothing, and when she kicks the bucket it will be a bizarre and useless fortune. In the initial scarcely any lines of third and last section the speaker portrays his special lady as â€Å"morning dew† saying she is youthful and her skin a solid sparkle simply like the dew over the grass in the early morning. Another colorful similitude he utilizes is â€Å"birds of prey. † He and his courtesan are the winged creatures, and they are going after time. They need to eat and not be eaten. The speaker at long last gets through and prevails upon his courtesan utilizing the last hardly any lines of the sonnet. He is stating to her they should take all aspects of themselves, the solid, the sweet, and the powerless, fold it up into a ball and meet up as one to beat time. Since they can't make the sun remain still they will race with him, the speaker utilizing representation and causing the sun to appear as though an individual truly dashing with him. Marvell was not recognized for his special, yet splendid sonnets until after his passing, he changed the importance of Metaphysical Poet. Marvell made a couple of achievements, his sonnets as a rule had exceptional style and subject for his time, and his sonnet contains a profound examination. This could be an ideal sonnet for somebody keen on adoration sonnets with profound importance.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

One Discourse Community - Free Essay Example

In a modern and technologically advanced era, individuals rely heavily on discourse communities to inform them of current trending issues. One discourse community that some 360 million people worldwide have come to partake in is Twitter. Through this app, users can interact with other users through tweeting about topics or issues. By allowing users to access global news, presenting a platform for discussion,giving politicians an updated platform, and allowing youth to become informed and have a voice, twitter has become an effective method of communication. Through allowing users to access global sources of news, twitter has become an important means of conversation. In 2014, the kidnapping of Chibok schoolgirls in Nigeria by Boko Haram became a global issue after the hashtag Bring Back Our Girls was tweeted about millions of times by individuals from all over the world (Wiser and Thomson). This lead to celebrities such as Beyonce, and activists and political figures such as Michelle Obama and Malala Yousafzai becoming aware of the issue and creating campaigns to help fund the search for the missing girls( Thomson and Shearlaw). Moreover, the popularity of the hashtag urged world forces such as the UN to seek more information about the subject matter . World activists and figures utilized Twitterrs platform as a discourse community to not only express their support, but raise awareness about the issue of the kidnapped school girls. As a result, world leaders became aware of the issue and were able to help negotiate with Boko Haramrs regime to attempt to bring back the missing girls. Additionally, during the summer of 2014, Twitter users trended the hashtag ALSIcebucket challenge to support ALS and raise money for charity. The charity ultimately raised over $41.8 million dollars and gained over 730,000 new donors all over the world, with every one out of six people participating in the challenge in the UK (Hitchings-Hales and Calderwood). Through exploiting Twitterrs large population the charity and all of its participants were able to further their mission and goal and reach individuals worldwide who benefitted or could support the mission.By allowing for users worldwide to communicate with others, Twitter has become an effective discourse community in the course of the world. By presenting a platform for everyday citizens to convene, twitter has created a larger space for individuals to discuss current issues and make a difference. In terms of the Black Lives Matter movement, many young African-American youth flocked to Twitter to discuss angry sentiments about the constant shooting of unarmed black men. According to the Pew Research Center, the #Ferguson tag dealing with the shooting of Michael Brown was the top used hashtag in the ten year history of the platform, while the hashtag Black Lives Matter followed in third (Anderson and Hitlin).These tags allowed for the Twitter community to band together and generate a larger discussion over the impact of the shootings and what steps could be taken to rectify them. Such conversations allowed young activists to organize protests as well as create campaigns to help the family members of the victims while garnering a greater understanding amongst people in the country of these fatal shootings. Additionally, in recent news, Twitter has given women a platform to speak out about sexual assault with the MeToo movement. With over 1.7 million tweets, the MeToo hashtag provided a safe space for women all over the world to discuss their experiences amongst other survivors of sexual assault and encourage each other to speak out against their abusers (Codrea-Rado and Park ). With the assistance of Twitter, movements such as these have allowed the marginalized to have a voice in their oppression, and given them a location to discuss their sentiments. Through creating an open space platform where users of like mind can rally together, Twitter has created an avenue for progressive conversation. As a consequence of its role as a large discourse community, Twitter has been able to give politicianrs an updated platform. As seen within the 2016 presidential election, politicians utilized Twitter to bring up important issues to their campaign. According to CIO, many politicians took to Twitter to take advantage of its real-time nature and ability to not only express their political views, but allow themselves to seem more human like rather than machine (Kapko). Within the election cycle 27% of presidential candidate Hillary Clintonrs tweets focused on her policy issues while over 794 tweets were sent in the month of June alone by both Clinton and Trump arguing over issues and attempting to illustrate themselves as a desirable candidate for president ( Evans, Brown, and Wimberly). Due to its large community, Twitter has become a hotspot for politicians to extend their platform and attempt to reach more people. Twitterrs dual role as a discourse community and social media platform has given adolescents a chance to become informed and have a voice. In the presidential election of 2016, many youth exploited Twitterrs large community of youth to encourage voting within their demographic. During this election over 35 percent of individuals between the ages of 18-29 said that social media was the ?most helpful source to learn more information about the 2016 election (Curry). Through this resource, young people were able to better understand the issues in discussion during the election. Additionally, as a result of employing Twitter as a platform to inform about politics more youth became informed about the nature of the election and the presidential candidates. Moreover, the net neutrality bill of 2017 sparked a greater discussion amidst young people to speak up about issues that affect them. As adolescence became informed about the possible repeal of the net neutrality act by Congress, many began to speak up and speak out through organizing protests as well as creating campaigns in the hopes of their pleas to keep the bill reaching Congress. Ultimately, over 124,473,847 impressions were made on Twitter concerning the save net neutrality tag, as a result of young people speaking out about the issue (Gallagher). The act of a large amount of youth discussing the issue garnered a better awareness of the topic and allowed youth to speak up and out. Within the presidential election of 2016 as well as the net neutrality issue of 2017, young people were able to become informed and speak about issues that greatly impacted them. By Twitter offering such a large discourse community, adolescence have and will continue to be able to become informed abo ut current affairs. More than a social media app, Twitter has become a dominant avenue for individuals from all areas of life to convene an discuss important issues impacting our world. Twitter has proved itself an effective discourse community through granting an avenue for international news to be recognized, offering a platform for users to confer, allowing politicians to draft a new platform, and giving youth the opportunity to stand up and speak out. By giving a powerful connotation to the voices of those who seek to be heard, Twitter accomplishes what few other discussion communities have; Allowing individuals from all walks of life to be heard equally.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Why More People Eat Fast Food Essay - 893 Words

Fast Food In our American society today where waking up early each morning to get ready for work has becoming a very huge part of our daily life, we realize that people are becoming more busy even to the point of becoming lazy since they barely have any time to cook for themselves or for their families and therefore, this has lead to the increasing number of fast food restaurants everywhere we go. Pick McDonalds, Subways and Wendy’s for example; there is no corner you will step that you wouldnt end up seeing their sign because all this fast food are very cheap, very convenient and they taste really good and therefore explains why more people eat fast food this days. In a society where money has become a very big†¦show more content†¦In the case of having short breaks at work or school, our only options we have to getting something to eat in the few minutes is to run, drive fast or even walk fast for not more than a minutes and we will be able to get something to eat because the fast food restaurant isnt far from us. The convenience of fast food restaurants today has become very helpful to us especially to those who drive because it helps save gas, driving distance and it is very quick and this reason tends to explain why more people are eating fast food. More people are eating fast food this days because our taste buds have become more important to us than the content in the food we eat, whether it being healthy or not. Satisfying our cravings with some large fries and a cheeseburger from McDonalds or a long foot cheese steak from subway will make us feel better of ourselves even though it is unhealthy than eating some rice with vegetables made at home even though . People wouldnt care about the percentage of fat in a McDonald’s burger because no one really thinks about what they are eating while they are eating it until they are done with it. As we all know, eating fast foods can bring about so many different types of sickness such as h igh cholesterol level, diabetes and obesity upon us but we still care because we just want to satisfy our cravings and our taste buds. Even though there are some fast food restaurants such as Subway that provide a nutritious andShow MoreRelatedFast Food, Cause Effect Essay702 Words   |  3 PagesCAUSES AND EFFECTS OF THE POPULARITY OF FAST FOOD Nowadays, most people -especially kids and young people- prefer to eat fast food, such as hamburgers, pizza, fried food, etc. Why it has become so popular? It tastes better than homemade food? We do not believe it is only the taste the reason of the popularity of fast food. There are several reasons why fast food had become popular over the years. It is popular because it is cheap, quick and convenient to those who haveRead MoreTeen Obesity Essay1378 Words   |  6 Pagesorg. In the last 3 decades, teen obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled among adolescents. Why you might ask. Well, children become overweight and obese for a variety of reasons. The most common causes are genetic factors, lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating patterns, or a combination of these factors. Only in rare cases is being overweight caused by a medical condition such as a hormonal problem says In the US the food proportions are a lot larger than the proportionsRead MoreHow Fast Food Affect A French Health907 Words   |  4 Pages How Fast Food Affect a French Health Over time eating has become easier than ever. United States created fast food which the main purpose was to benefit people from eating on the go and today this eating efficiently has spread all over the world. Not only U.S. joined the new eating concept, but many other countries including France. Fast food has spread all over France, and it is the second country with the largest fast food consumer. It is very surprising to see an European country as the secondRead MoreEating Food Slowly Is A Bad Thing?864 Words   |  4 Pages Many could say that eating food slowly is a bad thing? But research shows the opposite. Many people who work in offices, schools, or fast food restaurants and many other jobs, only have approximately 30 minutes to eat their lunch during their break. That is why they come to their conclusion on to why eating food slow is a bad thing. When workers have a 30-minute break to eat lunch, they want to enjoy their lunch. However they cant because they have to go to work right back. One can think, â€Å"WellRead MoreHow Fast Food Is Addictive1436 Words   |  6 Pagestopic of fast food, most of us will readily agree that it’s unhealthy. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of whether it causes addiction. While some are convinced that it doesn’t, others are convinced that advertisements help brain wash the new generation. Along with the chemicals added to the fast food to help contribute to the addiction cycle. My own view is that fast food is addictiv e. In my point of view fast food is addictive because it seems that the more fast foodRead MoreFast Food Is Bad For Our Health855 Words   |  4 PagesIntro Quick, delicious, and hot that’s all people think when they are getting fast food for them and their family so they went have to cook. You can get fast food almost on every corner of a street and on any continent you go to. Fast food is now starting to invade non fast food eater’s lives by offering so called health items on the menu. Fast food is everywhere and people don’t consider what’s in the fast food they eat. What it could do to our health and why you feel sluggish, and when I go will IRead MoreFast Foods And Fast Food Essay1147 Words   |  5 PagesFast food is one of the easiest ways to get food and eat it in a hurry. More people have been eating fast food rather than eating at home for years. The rate of fast food consumption has not slowed in over fifteen years (North). Americans in today’s society are busier than they have been. With people being busy they cannot find an easy way to make dinner, so they go to fast food restaurants to get food on the go. Many Americans also believe they are too busy to go shopping for groceries. Being busyRead MoreFast Food Receives Mixed Emotions For Example, A Common1575 Words   |  7 PagesFast food receives mixed emotions for example, a common occurrence, a guilty pleasure, or taboo. In the book The Omnivore’s Dilemma the author Michael Pollan talks about fast food in the chapter â€Å"The Meal: Fast food†. Everyone has some sort of relationship with it one way or another. Pollan not only talks about fast food, but, dissects what is actually inside of fast food. However, before we can jump in on another diet trend or on anyone who is talking about what people should be eating, we needRead MoreFast Food Advertisements Should Be Banned872 Words   |  4 Pagesdiscussions of fast food ads, one controversial issue has been that fast food ads can be held responsible for childhood obesity. On the other hand, most people contend that fast food ads shouldn’t b e banned because there are a lot of people who love fast food. Others even maintain that if people banned fast food ads, children will go more into the drugs instead of fast food. My own view is that fast food ads shouldn’t be banned. I know that fast food ads can manipulate children and adults to buy food whichRead MoreFast Food Restaurants Should Sell Healthier Food or Be Banished1351 Words   |  6 Pageshundred sixty thousand fast food restaurants in the United States of America. Everyone should think twice before deciding to eat fast food. Fast food restaurants need to sell healthier foods and tell the people what is actually in the food. Fast food restaurants should be banished in the US. The fast food restaurants should be taxed more. A person’s health is one of the most important aspects about them. People want to be skinny and have a perfect body, people cannot eat fast food all of the time and

Iagos Soliloquies free essay sample

True Character Exposed in Othello Of all the characters in Shakespeares Othello, none is more complex and unknown to the audience than Iago. He is portrayed by every character as an honest and trustworthy person. Yet, as the audience is well informed by the end of the first act, he appears to be quite the opposite. Hes a duplicitous character, honest and kind on the outside, but truly a pure, evil and malignant person on the inside. Throughout the entire play he turns all his friends, who trust him most, against each other. He does this by penetrating their deepest fears and concerns, using that to make the net that shall emesh them all into a jealous web of hatred [II. iii. 356]. There are many examples throughout the play that show clearly Iagos villainy, but the motives for his villainy become increasingly unclear to the audience as the play progresses. Iago gives several different possible motives to the audience throughout the play in his different soliloquies and while talking to Roderigo, but he never backs up these motives and for the most part never refers to them again in the play. In this essay, I will prove through evidence in the text that Iago was in fact an honest and caring person who suddenly turned villainous because he was deeply unhappy about the way his life was turning out. Things were not going his way: he did not gain lieutenancy, his rank in society was completely reliable on Othello, he was jealous of Othellos life as well as Cassios, and most of all honesty was getting him nowhere. I will also prove that Iago is not a complete villain, but that the crimes and murders which occurred could not have happened without the villain which lurked inside the other characters in the play. Iago simply enflamed a jealousy which was already there and therefore cannot be blamed for the actions of others. Throughout the play Othello almost every character at one time or another referred to Iago as an honest man while the audience saw Iago cruelly and viciously lie and deceive one character after another, trapping them all in a jealous rage. Othello says, A man he is of honesty and trust before allowing Desdemona to be in the care of Iago [I. iii. 286]. Othello again says, I know, Iago thy honesty and love when asking Iago to tell him who started the drunken brawl between Cassio nd Roderigo [II. iii. 240]. Cassio says Good night, honest Iago before leaving after the drunken brawl [II. iii. 329]. Cassio says to himself I never knew a Florentine more kind and honest after Iago gave him advice about his job [III. i. 42]. Desdemona states O, thats an honest fellow after Emilia brings up the fact that Iago is worried about Cassios job. Iago is seen as deceivingly honest through out the entire play, but it is hard for one to believe that Iagos universal reputation for honesty has been based over a long period of time on calculation and bluff (Godfrey, 421). In fact, in the fifth act Iago states: Cassio hath a daily beauty in his life that makes me ugly [V. i. 20]. However, Iago has already been made lieutenant at this point in the play, so some other grudge against Cassio that partially makes up his motive must exist as well. Iago also suspects Othello and Cassio of being sexually involved with his own wife. However, Iago has no evidence of this theory and never mentions it as a motive again. He also can not be that upset about his wife, Emilia, having an affair, for he shows no affection for her at all in the play and ends up killing her in the end. Iago also mentions a love for Desdemona in the second soliloquy, but does not mention it before or after this instance as part of his motive. This motive hunting expressed by Iago is a sign that Iago once had or still somewhat has an honest conscience. He has turned evil to get his life back on track, but shows remnants of a conscience. Iago is a man setting out on a project which strongly attracts his desire, but at the same time conscience of resistance to the desire, and unconsciously trying to argue the resistance away by assigning reasons for the project (Bradley, 438). This can be familiar to us all when we try to push away our conscience by almost lying to ourselves. Nonetheless, the mere fact that Iago has a conscience proves he is not pure evil as most would suspect. In Iagos first soliloquy he states in regards to Othello and Emilia, I know not ift be true, but I, for mere suspicion in that kind, will do as if for surety [I. iii. 387]. This shows he is pulling logical motives out of thin air as to why he should go through with his plot, just to shut up the honest and loyal conscience that does in fact exist inside of him. Part of the reason Iago is seen as such a villainous character to the audience is because Iago is such an intelligent character. An evil person of intelligence can be a very dangerous and scary villain. Iago knows exactly what to say to every other character that will provoke and enrage their jealousy or motive. He knows exactly where everyones weakness is, and he knows exactly how to spark the evil, jealous rage that exists in most characters of Othello. Iago did not really do anything to directly harm anyone until the end when he killed Roderigo and Emilia. Everything else was done by the evilness in other characters. Iago was not making people jealous, but unleashing the jealousy that already existed. He was targeting everyones weakness and proving that they themselves are to blame for their actions because they themselves have killed through their own jealousy, not jealousy Iago created. As we find out latter in the play, Othello is not as good as he was first presented to us. He shows an evil that Iago never could have created. Othello already had a pinch of jealousy and evilness which Iago merely enflamed. Othello killed Desdemona without ever confronting Cassio on the topic and did not directly confront Desdemona until he had already made up his mind. Had Othello not been the least bit jealous before Iagos prompting, Othello would not have jumped to conclusions based on a hint and a handkerchief to kill the women he loved. It is apparent that Othello is already jealous of Desdemona even before Iago tells him anything (perhaps because of seeing Desdemona lie to her father). Othello already shows distrust of Desdemona and after Iago says Cassio is honest, Othello says: Nay, yet theres more in this I prithee, speak to me as to thy thinkings, As thou dost ruminate, and give thy worst of thoughts. The worst of words. [III. iii. 143] It is apparent that Othello has an evil side and wants a reason to uncover the mysterious and suspicious evilness that he fears is in Desdemona and which will give him justification to harm her. 300 lines after this quote Othello already says Ill tear her to pieces [III. iii. 447]. In the face of Desdemonas pleas and on mere assumption of Iagos word Othello kills Desdemona and plots for Cassios death. Does he go from good to evil simply because he was told a rumor? That is Nonsense. Othello had evil in him that Iago did not create. Iago did not kill Desdemona and Othello by making everyone jealous. He unleashed and brought the jealousy he knew already existed to a higher level simply because he could. The evil existed in other people besides Iago and he brought it to life. On that same note, Iago is not a pure evil villain who contaminated everyone else with his evilness. Othello, Roderigo, Cassio, Emilia, and even Desdemona all have an evilness lurking inside their honest bodies just waiting to spill out as Iagos evilness did in this play. As I showed above Othellos evilness definitely spilled out in the second half of the play when he killed Desdemona and plotted against Cassio in his jealous rage. Additionally, Roderigos evilness coming from jealousy over Desdemona was definitely apparent in the play right from the start, even before Iago enraged it. Cassio was evil to a lesser extent, but nevertheless still had evilness, and his showed up when he tried to attack Roderigo and then killed Montano in the brawl of the second act. Even Emilia had an evilness and hers came forth when she stole the handkerchief from Desdemona knowing it meant a lot to her. Desdemonas evilness spilled on to the play when she married Othello, never mentioning it to her father and abandoning him coldly and abruptly. If one considers any of the characters in the play honest or with a good heart, than Iago is no different, for Iago has evilness inside just as the other characters, only Iagos honest side existed mostly before the period in which play took place. In the play Othello, Iago comes forth as an apparently evil, vicious, and intelligent person who is creating havoc for reasons of seemingly pure villainy. However after examining the text, it can be stated that Iago is not a pure evil charactor, but was once honest and kind and still has honesty within him. He could not have held up a reputation for honesty his entire life if he was not truly honest at one time or another. By the time this play took place Iago had already changed is way of life from being honest to being evil because honesty was getting him nowhere: he did not get promoted to lueitenant, his status was completely reliable on Othello, and he was jealous of Othello and Cassio who were leading a better life than he. It can also be proved that Othello had an honest conscience which he was trying to keep quiet by assigning it logical reasons for hi villainy to shut it up. Iago is also responsible for all the murders and crimes that occurred because the other charactors in the play also have an evil lurking inside. The murders in the play would not have occured if there was not a villainous side to every character in the play and therefore Iago cannot be blamed for all these murders and crimes. In the end, Iago was not an evil villianous person, but was an honest person with no other alternative to go to change the way his life was going.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Admissions Essay Sample - Tips for Finding Admission Essay Samples For Public Relations Schools

Admissions Essay Sample - Tips for Finding Admission Essay Samples For Public Relations SchoolsThe purpose of an admission essay sample is to give a student insight into writing for a school such as a public relations school. After reading, you will want to sit down and research the essay and the information that you will be writing about in the essay. The research can be very detailed or it can be more general, depending on what you want to do with the essay.There are many different subjects that could be written about in a public relations school. You may be a lawyer for example, a public relations specialist, or an editor. Once you have researched some subjects, you will be able to find admission essay samples that will provide you with the information that you need.Some of the different topics that you can write about include; religion, politics, sex, and business. As with any other school, there are many different subjects that will come up as you begin your research. You should start by keeping in mind who you are writing about and what kind of people that they are. Each subject should be carefully thought out and research should be done.Every public relations school has different rules and regulations on what you are allowed to write about. Each school will have different restrictions on what you can discuss. This can sometimes be frustrating, but remember that you are only trying to get into a school for the right reasons. If you are not familiar with the rules and regulations of a particular school, you can always research them before writing the essay.There are a number of ways that you can find admission essay samples. The first thing that you will want to do is take a look at websites and blogs that focus on admissions. You can also look in the public records in order to find these types of sites.These types of sites will list specific schools that are open to certain students. They may also list specific types of students that are allowed to apply to the school. You can find these types of sites through various websites that focus on all types of schools, including public relations schools.The next thing that you can do is look in the newspaper and magazines that are published locally. You may also want to take a look at the school website in order to find some local public relations schools. You can also make your own research by going to Google and typing in keywords related to admissions.Once you know where to find the information, you can start writing your essay and getting ready to apply to the local school. One of the first things that you should do is make sure that you are fully prepared. If you aren't, then it will be hard for you to pull off an impressive essay.